Friday, June 03, 2005


Another year has gone by for Vincent. We were saying family blessings today for him for his birthday, and it was a little funny cause it was mentioned that he is half way to 70. WoW! Where has the time gone. We still feel young and I think we are still relatively young, whatever that may be. Some people say not to celebrate birthdays and I say why not. It is a time to get together with loved ones and remember the good times. We also have a our little family traditions. We always make a big birthday sign of some sort and this year since Vincent works afternoons, we posted it on the outside of the back door. So the first thing he saw when he came home last night at 1:30 a.m. was happy birthday! The boys got him tickets to the Toledo Mudhens game. He loves to go to that game instead of the Tigers. It is so much more interactive. The one family tradition that we did break this year is that we usually have rice krispy treats and we make them together as a family. That is ok though, sometimes it is good to start new things. Happy Birthday Vincent! We love you!!!

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