Friday, August 18, 2006

No respect!

people have no respect for each other. Why do I think that because of what I observe all the time? Vincent and I were just talking today about how people will say Hi b#$@*! and they say it like it is some type of endearment! there are even t-shirts out there with the word on it, just a letter a is thrown in there after the i. I don't want to hear that, nor do my kids. I remember there was a time when it was just not proper to cuss in front of a lady. Which brings me to the next item. Some man flipped me the bird today while I was on my to the football scrimmage. Hello! What in the world is the world coming to when it is okay to just flip a person off, let alone a female. He was not some young punky kid either. He was an older gentleman in a nice gold buick. What did I do to provoke the man to give me such a sign of endearment? Why I slowed down cause he was tailgating me so bad that I could not see him at all. It was rush hour traffic and there was no way he was going anywhere. A row of cars in front of me and a row of cars behind. There was also a row of cars in the on coming lane, no where to go but in my behind! What kind of stinking thinking does a man have to just do that to someone, let alone a girl. Total disrespect and people that do those kinds of things have issues. Thanks for the venting moment-much better now!


Swinging Sammy said...

common courtesy is very much like common sense, neither are truly common any more.

michelle said...


Four-Leaf K' lover said...

Funny you should bring this up. This weekend Chris and I saw some young girl with shorts on that said 100% b#@%*!! What in the world...this is somehow cool to do. You can get arrested for swearing in why not for wearing something with profanity on it.

Liz's mom said...

What floors me is that way that some kids talk to their parents. Last week I was seeing a high school age girl for acne. When the mother made a comment, the girl told her mom, "shut up, that's stupid, you don't know what you are talking about." I was embarrassed to be in the room with them. The mother did nothing about these comments. I would never dream of saying these things to my parents, espeically in front of others. What's happening??

michelle said...

It is a break down in our morals and in stable families. Parents want to be their kids friends and not their parents. When I know that my kids are mad and upset with me when I tell them no! I just reassure myself that I am doing the right thing. I refuse to feel guilty! Last year when we were school shopping a young man yelled at his mother about clothing. She threatened to call his father on her cell phone if he did not behave. I was soooo embarassed for them. I don't care, but if my kids ever talked to me like that they will get a pop in the mouth! Respect is the key issue. I thought my generation was a "me" oriented generation. This generation that is coming up now is worse! (and I know there are good kids out there and the bad ones ruin it for all)