Friday, March 09, 2007


There are 20 days left until I take Nicholas, his cousin(s), and their friends to Florida for spring break! I am looking forward to the warm weather but I pray that there are no casualties. ha ha! Seriously, I don't expect trouble. It is a good group of "young" adults. I am looking forward to the beach and they actually want to go fishing. Imagine no theme parks, no household chores, just do whatever. I did buy 6 books for the trip. Can you imagine what I am going to be doing.? Oh and dear hubby, I know you read my blog so this is for you. I did not really mean it when I said you couldn't come. I just meant that room is limited and all the seats have been taken. ;-) You can go on the next one, I promise.

1 comment:

Liz's mom said...

Oh, I didn't know Vince was staying home! So its you and all those boys!!!! You are a brave woman!! I'll be saying a special little prayer for you!