Thursday, March 23, 2006

Worst movies you have ever seen?

I will start with these (and I will mention only ones I have seen:
A day without a Mexican- thankfully it was only a rental
Lost in Translation- unfortunately we wasted gift certs for this
Ocean's Twelve
Anaconda (the one with J-lo)
Howard the Duck (80's)


Conni H. said...

From Justin to Kelly- AWEFUL!
The Producers
Princess Bride (sorry to the fans- but I hated it!)

Anonymous said...

"Leaving Las Vegas" - we felt like we were drowning in booze by the end.
"Lost In Translation" definitely a stinker!
I've really got to agree with "Princess Bride" I tried to like it but....sorry!
Anything 007 or with Steven Seagall or however you spell it.
I know there's more but I'll stop there!
Oh yeah - "Pushing Tin" PU!
and "Training Day" - horrible!

michelle said...

ooh how could i have forgotten "training day" a guy Vincent worked with told him to watch that movie cause it was really great and it was a waste. Could there be anymore bad language. Oh and now that I am thinking about it "out of time" I think is the name of it with Denzel Washington was garbage too. Vincent loves Steven Seagal movies. Something about those fight scenes. And I am a Princess Bride fan :)

Russell said...

Please, whatever you do, don't go see Firewall. Worst I've seen in quite some time!

michelle said...

oh thanks russ i wanted to see firewall too! why can't anyone make a good decent movie. oh wait they did...napolean dynamite :)

Anonymous said...

I have to say that Lora Croft Tombraider was the only movie ever in history that I FELL ASLEEP during in the theatre---and I wasn't even tired!!!

michelle said...

isn't there two tomb raider movies. I know i saw the first one. What a waste of money to go and spend $$ just to take a nap. Vincent falls asleep a lot with movies so we are careful in picking out ones to go and see. Oh by the way Colleen are you going to the 80th bday party for Uncle Bobby? Hope to see u there!