Thursday, September 21, 2006

to teach or not to teach. that is the question!


Anonymous said...

It bothers me that the majority of the world believes in a God, yet it's unthinkable to actually present the theory of creation in the classroom alongside evolution. What are they afraid of?

There should at least be a world religions class or something.

michelle said...

I hear ya! but just because ppl believe in God doesn't mean they care about it! Even demons believe in God but they don't want his word to be spread. I have been fortunate in our school district to have not had any problems with my kids writing papers on their beliefs, etc. A little off the subject..... I remember that Nicholas was once told not to discuss his "religion" any further when the topic of abortion was brought up. However, when it was time for Nicholas to write his paper, he did not stop on his beliefs. I was even a little concern that I was going to get a call from a teacher since I did proof read it. I did not and he received an A+. It is amazing that they do not teach it since there is scientific evidence to support "intelligent design".