Monday, March 05, 2007

How many people in the USA have the same first and last name as you?

Let me know how many people have the same name as you. Just put in the comments. 677 people are named like me in the USA with my married name. There are 8 people with me and my maiden name. Interesting to see if there is someone out there who is the only one with their name. I know middle names would exclude more but this site is for first and last only.


Unknown said...

There's only one of me....and the world breathes a collective sigh of relief! :-) Feeling better as of this afternoon. Before that I'd have had to be dead to feel better! Thanks for asking!

Dizzy Blonde said...

I was the only Tamara Bortell, now there are none, it said that there was noone in the world named Bortell either so I think the site is screwed up.