Friday, February 10, 2006

Be Mine!

This weekend many couples will be celebrating Valentine's together. Be it dinner, or with others. We have always done the usual thing for Valentines. Dinner (either just us or with other couples-it would depend). Well, this year we are going to incorporate the family. Vincent and I will still get our own time: movie and snacks/dessert, but we are going to have dinner with the boys. Now that Nicholas is older, he is going out with his "sweetie", but I thought why not do something for the whole family. I have always gotten them Valentine's. Be it a card or box of chocolates, so why does it have to end there. It doesn't. I am planning a special meal with lots of yummy food that we rarely eat cause it is for something "special" and then just some good ole family time. Board games, story telling, wrestling match, etc. Time is a valuable commodity and it is the one thing I have that is priceless when it comes to family. So, I am definately going to spend my Valentine's weekend with loved ones. It will be an extra-ordinary Valentine's Day and one that I am looking forward to. I am even thinking of sending some flowers to a certain person that God has placed on my heart. What if anything will make your Valentine's extraordinary this year compared to last year?

1 comment:

michelle said...

I lost at chess against Kota. But I almost beat him. He turned it around right at the end. We had planned on some movies, but it did not work out to watch what we rented so we watched Bug's Life. All four of us. It was great just to be silly. Vincent and I did splurge on a Chocolate Mousse cake for two that was so divine. MMmmmmmmmmm! I did not even finish it! I recommend it to all chocolate lovers. got it from whole foods in ann arbor. Nicholas bought for his sweetie too!