Friday, February 24, 2006

the other day Nicholas went up to get his hair trimmed. It was obvious that his bangs needed a trim so that you can see his great eyes. Well he went and surprised me by coming home with it all cut off. And I mean short like it needs to be for baseball season. Above the ears and I can see his face. As soon as I can I will snap a pic of him and post it. In the mean time Dakota has bought a LOTR strategy game set. All the little figures need to be hand painted. So that is what we have been doing over our mid winter break. Gotta run, off to hobby lobby to buy some more paint colors for Legolas and Gimli. sigh* and add an eyeroll
seriously though it is great time that I am spending with Kota


Dizzy Blonde said...

Praise the Lord! The Sheepdog is gone!! Did Miss Katie have anything to do with it or was his hair just too dog gone HOT!!!!

michelle said...

I don't know exactly. I made a comment to him about just cutting it off. Then I said at least the bangs and a trim. I mentioned that it will need a cut for baseball anyways. Then he mulled it over and just like all men (lol) he had to do it on his time and act like it was his idea. Miss K had nothing to do with it, she did not even know that it was getting trimmed. Oh and he did mention that at Winterfest it was getting on his nerves. I did manage a snap shot of him but Vincent had the camera at Mabel's 90th bday party and then he went to teen night and took the camera with him. When I get it back I will post the pic.