Saturday, March 25, 2006

How Great is our God!

I am tired, but a good tired, and not as tired as I was from Winterfest. We just got in a little while ago from a youth rally. I love going to them for me just as much as Vince and I enjoy taking the teens. We really got a lot out of the "break outs" and met some great people. The theme was "reaching Him" and the one thing that really stood out was when the guest speaker was talking about how people in the world act like there is no God. That we are here because of a "big bang" theory. He used the visual of a fish bowl. This fish bowl was nothing and then the fish owner (God) made land and water. Oh and there was light (every aquarium has a light) The guy put in water and rocks. Then he talked about decorated landscape so he added colored rocks, seaweed, etc. Then he put in two fish. Going a long with the Genesis story theme. Every time he would take his hand out of the bowl he would say something like, "well just because they don't feel me or see me anymore does that mean I am not here to the fish." It really made me look at the universe on different planes. Yes, i have thought of it before but today it was like yeah. God is in this huge existence and I am here in the fish bowl that he has created for me. I loved this one part he said about the Creator and the fish bowl. He said what do many if not all people do when they have an aquarium, they sit back and enjoy that which they love and care for. Just like God, I can imagine Him sitting back looking down at the world and enjoying that which he created for us, because he loves us. (yes I know that there is yuck in the world but I just want to focus on the good for now) Anyways, it was a really good day and I encourage you to ask one of the teens about it and see what they have to say. The singing was awesome too by the way. Some real soulful singing is the only way to describe it :)

1 comment:

michelle said...

a positive side to going to the youth rally is that I get to hear my kids sing more around the house. Yeah they do sing church songs around but from a day of worshipping God they really get the songs in their heart and mind and at 9:52 at nite I get to hear Kota singing Humble yourself in the sight of the Lord while he is playing with his star wars chess set. :) see kota has the benefit of automatically going to teen events cause he is part of the Vince and Michelle chaperone package, he is in the Middle School so he will officially count soon enough :)