Tuesday, March 07, 2006

poor kota part deux

Today we went to the orthodontist and we are all done spreading apart Dakota's upper jaw for the moment. However, he is now starting the next phase of treatment. This is a pic of what he has to wear to bed every night. He puts rubber bands on the hooks in his mouth and then attaches them to the plastic piece on the face mask. He likes to sleep on his stomache and tonite is our first night with it. Pray that all goes well! Thanks!


Swinging Sammy said...

ouch! will pray!

Anonymous said...

I was a lifetime stomach sleeper. With the events following surgery 4 years ago, I can no longer sleep on my stomach. I've tried and I can't. So you can make the transition out of necessity. Never had to have head gear but I can well imagine. Love ya, Kota!

michelle said...

we made it through the night! He fell asleep relatively easily. After we got him all together I then went to give him a kiss and couldn't. we laughed about it and will just remember to do it before he gets hooked.

Four-Leaf K' lover said...

Wow, how things have changed. My head gear was nothing like that. Good luck. I think you should take a pic of him=).

michelle said...

Nicholas wore the regular head gear that we all know. the thing that goes on the back of the head and then the metal pieces that hook in (or the rubber bands). This type of gear is for those that have an underbite. Meaning that his lower jaw is bigger than his upper.

michelle said...

ok well last night was not as smooth as the first night. He took it off in his sleep I believe. We had to wake up and put it back on. Then when we are putting it on (in the middle of the night) he snaps a rubber band right on his lip. He has to stretch 'em to reach the little plastic piece and whammo- right to his lip. Ouch that will wake anyone right up!