Wednesday, August 16, 2006

word to the wise

If you ever use Gorilla Glue-1. use it sparingly 2. even if you don't think you put hardly any on, you did and 3. don't leave the object you are gluing on the kitchen counter-for you may just come home from a soccer practice that your child has and find the full length mirror glued to your kitchen counter!!!


Anonymous said...

Okay, a word to the wise back atcha... teach the children (and adults) to never use glue of any kind anywhere that you don't want it (like on kitchen counters). I know first hand that it can leave a permanent reminder behind for you.

Anonymous said...

sounds like wise advise coming from one with experience!!!

Unknown said...

They don't call it "gorilla" for nothing!

Swinging Sammy said...

goo gone?

Swinging Sammy said...

or maybe acetone?

michelle said...

haha i didnt use it on a kitchen counter, i used it on the mirror which i laid on the kitchen counter. then when it foamed up it adhered to the kitchen counter. it is now off the counter, however the mirror cracked while in the process of the metal spatula and wooden spoon was being hammered/wedge under the mirror to pry it off. I have goo gone and some acetate finger nail polish. but Vincent is home so I will wait til later to see if the residue will remove with those. most of the gorilla glue is gone. i did scrape the foam part off. this week has been such a blonde week! and i am not blonde!

michelle said...

lol i read the clean up directions on the bottle and this is what it says; cured glue can be removed from work piece with chisel, scraper, or sandpaper. i used a metal spatula :)

ryan said...

It also leaves a nice dark stain on your fingers if play with, it all most as fun as use Grat stuff but that a great story in itself. I think it one of the best glues out there a razor knife or blade does the trick.