Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Carpe diem!!!


This past couple of weeks have been full of trials. Vincent's aunt was diagnosed with Leukemia, my sis has some new health problems, Nicholas' asthma came back with a vengence, and who knows what is just lurking around the corner to surprise me. All of this just makes me think that we should not take each other and our time for granted. We always are saying things such as, "we will do it tomorrow" or "the next week". Carpe diem!!!!!! It means seize the day and that is just what we need to do. We need to slow down, take a breather, pick up the phone and say I love you. I know you are probably thinking yeah right. You don't know all that I have to do. Work, kids, sports, doctor visits, chores, laundry, homework, PTO, etc. Well those things are not going anywhere. That laundry is not going to be mad at you cause you did not throw a load in. Take the time out of your day and enjoy it with a loved one, even if it is for a couple of minutes. Go play P.I.G. on the basketball court with your spouse or child. Walk for some ice cream and spend time just being together. If I were to look back on life, those are the things I remember. The simple things. Each morning I will attempt to awake with a new look at life. Remembering the ones I love, here and gone. Carpe diem!!!

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