Monday, October 17, 2005

another parental milestone....more like a hurdle or speed bump!

My sweet son of 16 went on his first double date last night! oh the parental unrest I have in cutting the aprons strings a little bit more. I just got used to the idea of him driving and not even a week later we have this. I know I am not the only one dealing with this stuff and I knew it was going to happen. The only difference is when it did happen I wasn't fully ready. Is there any way to be ready for something like this anyways! Well I know he is planning on taking her to the movies next Saturday. Just the two of 'em. Thank goodness he is doing the matinee special (4-6 p.m.) I feel I don't have so much to worry with there being daylight, yeah right! I must give him some credit though in his choice of ladies. His "girlfriend" was on homecoming court this fall, she is adorable/beautiful, she comes from a good family, and most important she goes to church!

1 comment:

loved truly said...

Cutting those apron strings is hard, mine isn't that old yet but I feel your pain. Good thing God watches over them and it sounds like you have probably given him a good base for his life/walk.