Saturday, October 01, 2005

he did it -he did it!

Well the most nerve racking thing I have ever done so far is over. Nicholas taking a road test and me sitting in the back seat and not able to say a word was THE WORST! When we were done and the instructor mentioned where he picked up a couple of points he then says congrats you pass. As soon as he said that, I was able to move and breathe in the back seat. Imagine an hour of not moving, breathing, or saying Nicholas you needed to ........... or Nicholas what is the speed limit here? The instructor said, "it wasn't bad at all, was it?" All I could do was take my hands and wipe my sweaty palms on the back on Nicholas' head rest and tell him thank you. The instructor actually chuckled when I did that. My word was it stressful. I even asked him if he had either a good blood pressure reading or if he was on meds? I had an instant headache and I think Nicholas is a good driver! Imagine if he wasn't. Just glad it is done, that all of my prayers were answered and that a hedge of protection surrounds Nicholas' car daily. Next step official license when he turns 16!!!!!

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