Tuesday, November 15, 2005

the best week ever!

Last week I celebrated my anniversary and it could not have been planned any better. When you want the kids to go away and spend the night somewhere it just does not happen. Both my kids were gone for the day on Saturday, Nicholas to the UofM game and Kota to a cousin's house. Then both kids were asked to stay the night with the people they were with during the day. I surprised my hubby on Friday night (actually Saturday morn 1:30 am) when he got home from work with a special dinner. Then Saturday we spent the day together going to specialty shops around the area and in Ann Arbor. Then to dinner and Coldstone for dessert. Came back to town rented two movies and watched them. On Sunday we went to lunch after church in Dundee and then came home and took a nap :) Then on Monday (in honor of veteran's day Ford gives you a day) my hubby had the day off and it was so nice to have dinner as a family. ahh it is so great to spend time with family. can't wait for the holidays!

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