Monday, November 21, 2005

does it matter???

This weekend we saw J.K. Rowlings' 4th novel put on the silver screen. I have read all the books thus far and I have to admit I was disappointed in the movie this time around. I am not sure if the director read the book and am surprised Rowling approved the script. Key characters and story lines were eliminated. Not sure what spell they used to do this with but I am disappointed and I am now left wondering how this will affect the next movie, Order of the Phoenix. I do understand that the book was over 700 pages and it would be impossible to fit in a 2 1/2 hour movie. But I wonder if it was more about the almighty $$. Vincent does not read the books so he thought the movie was great. The visual effects I applaud, but I was left wondering about next time. Yes I admit that I will probaby buy the dvd when it comes out. But this is why I always prefer the books. Dakota had just finished this book and was surprised that the movie left out so much. He did add though that the movie was awesome! There was lots of humor in the movie so perhaps the director was trying to show us the characters more? Spoiler warning-there was no Winky, Dobby, Ludo Bagman, Bertha Jorkins, or S.P.E.W. Less classroom time with less magic and a professor choses to throw chalk at a student rahter than pull out his wand. Longbottom did not give the gillyweed to Harry and the Quidditch World Cup was not given a chance at all. Nor did they touch Rita Skeeter being an animagus. What a disappointment! Oh well. I could probably go on much more about nothing, but I will leave it here!

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