Friday, June 02, 2006

I will admit I am bragging a bit (blush)

Last night the boys played their first softball game of the season and they won both games. Congrats to you all! I just have to say though that my guys are the best! Nicholas started at third base and he hit one official home run and one home run on an error. I as his mom will count that as two :) Now Vincent works nights so he does not usually play until July when he is on shut-down. Yesterday afternoon he called me and says, "get my stuff ready and meet me at the field." He had the opportunity to come home after working a couple of hours and he took it so he could play.

Well, his first at bats was a home run with two RBI's. He had a total of three home runs last night. Not bad for someone who had not been able to practice and swing a bat all spring!

Good job boys. I highly recommend that you come on out and cheer our guys on. They play Thursdays at 6 p.m. usually (but not always) at the Ridgeway Nazarene field and it is a double header. Ask me if you got any questions.

**reminder** for those of you who are fasting, we break it together (voluntary) tomorrow at noon and we are meeting at 11 am for prayer and worship at the Haddox resident**
**second reminder*** potluck this Sunday!

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