Tuesday, July 25, 2006

adjusting and adapting

Isn't it interesting how we are designed to adjust. Adjust and adapt are the two things I think I do the most in life. Vincent is on a new work schedule. Perhaps some of you would not think that it is an adjustment, but it is. He gets home now at 5:00 a.m. We have to all be very quiet so he can sleep (since it is summer time we just sleep in too-*blush*) Our lunch schedule now has changed and since he is here longer in the afternoon, so has our day! All I can say is thanks that he has a job! He just left for work and I am all alone. Nicholas is at football and Kota is at a friend's house. It is an eery feeling that I know will be more permananent as time moves forward. Then there will be more adjusting and adapting.


Swinging Sammy said...

the only sure thing about life is change?

Anonymous said...

Ah yes, adjusting and adapting. I've had to do my share of that this year myself, but just because of new medicinal reasons. But adjustment is adjustment. I hope this new schedule isn't too taxing on the family. I would definitely agree that you should be thankful that he has a job! Especially in this state. I know I'm thankful for mine...no matter how much I complain about it. :)