Monday, July 17, 2006

Here is the wedding we went to. These men are carry a baby roasted pig and some bread that is an old custom for newly married couples. Then they break the bread and eat the pig. Other pics are of the dance floor and you can see the saxophone player. We had a good time and Nick brought his girlfriend along. other pics posted below are ones of the zoo that I love and wanted to share. ciao!


Swinging Sammy said...

looks like fun, and I always love a roast pig...

Unknown said...

What are the traditions being observed in the pictures? They look a little Greek or Jewish....and very fun! I like roast pork but I don't like seeing the piggy! They're too cute....uncooked and on the hoof that is!

michelle said...

Macedonian! There was also some greek dancing. Basically slavic. My dad is from Macedonia and all my cousins, aunts, and uncles came here after he did. They keep the customs, just americanized it a bit! Nicholas and I know how to dance. Kota danced a couple of times when he was younger but doesn't really know how. I love it!