Monday, December 05, 2005

We survived another one whew!

This past weekend was the Christmas dance and yes we survived it, along with many other parents of teens. The thing that made it more interesting this year (or should I say stressful) is that all the kids can drive on their own. In his sophomore year, Nicholas went in a Limo and the freshman year, Vincent, me, and another set of parents drove the kids to dinner and then to the dance. The decisions to make-should we allow them to caravan to Ann Arbor? NO! Should we let him go to Ann Arbor? NO! Should we let him drive the Expedition if he stays in the area???? You won't believe it but YES! He drove himself and his date to dinner in Adrian, then back to the dance, and then took her home. He said he had a great time and they all looked so handsome and beautiful! But so glad it is over.............until prom (just 4 months away!)

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