Early tonight at our ladies group we discussed beauty secrets, from a spiritual and physical stand point. There was much discussion on growing old gracefully and many shared what they wished they could change and what the liked about themselves. I also loved the home made salt scrub, I am going to be making some. Thanks to all who shared, it can be very hard to share such personal stuff with others and it was fun. Go figure the one time I forget my camera is the time Kris is doing foot scrubs and then a foot washing for anyone who wants one. Can we do it again next week? Anyways, What it comes down to is Proverbs 31:30
Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.I also very much enjoyed the poem about the modern gramma. We discussed how the gramma we all used to know was one of gray and peppered hair, who also had some cushion to her. So that her grandkids could really snuggle up on her (not saying that they cannot otherwise)
The Grandmother's Poem
In the dim and distant past
When life's tempo wasn't fast
Gramma used to rock and knit,
Crochet and tat, and babysit.
Gramma is now at the gym
Excercising to keep slim.
Now she's golfing with the bunch,
Taking clients out to lunch,
Going north to ski and curl,
And all her days are in a whirl.
Nothing seems to stop or block her
Now that Gramma's off her rocker :)
I really want to be a fun and young gramma, but I really think it is all about young at heart. Besides, this is not something I want to be thinking about. Gramma at my age, yeah right! Better not happen!