Monday, April 03, 2006

I confess!

Okay, okay! I admit it! I watch infomercials. I don't mean that I just watch 'em for a sec and then flip, I really mean that I watch 'em. Vincent might even come home from work and I will still be up cause I want to finish seeing all the things that the air pressurized cooker-dehydrator-roaster can cook. I think I may be a little mental, when it comes to infomericials. The one good thing is that I don't buy anything. I just love to watch them. Also, is it possible that it could be hereditary? My youngest I have noticed watches them too, however, he takes it a step further and informs me and Vincent what we need to buy to make our lives easier and better. YIKES!

1 comment:

michelle said...

Yes but the real confession of a problem is have you bought anything from the infomercials? I did see that juicer thingy from that old dude at Dunham's the other day and I will admit the "bullet" looks like something I would perhaps buy.