Friday, April 28, 2006


Tomorrow is prom for Nicholas and many other students at THS. Therefore today at school it was S.A.D.D. day. Don't know what it means? That's ok. S.A.D.D. stands for students against drunk driving. This is how Nicholas looked for part of the day at school, representing S.A.D.D. Pray that all the kids have a safe prom weekend!


Unknown said...

Ok - you took me in. I thought that something horrendous had happened to Nick! Makes a great point though. Have a great night, Nick!

michelle said...

Well, you want to hear what happened? I was on the deck reading and Kota was in the house watching some tv. Nicholas comes home and just walks in the house and goes straight to the bathroom. Obviously Kota saw him and assumed the worse. He comes to the screen door and says, "Mom, something happened to Nick! He looks bloody" I was like Hhhhhhhuhh? So I hop up and go in the house and see Nicholas walking towards me. I notice that his face is "bloody" but it just doesn't feel like something bad happened. He keeps walking toward me and then flashes me a smile. He then tells me of what is going on with his face and Kota begins to look relieved. He was worried the most and I figured it is prom weekend so something was/is bound to happen to mess up pictures! Lte's keep fingers crossed that nothing does happen and Pray no one gets hurt over prom weekend!