Thursday, September 01, 2005

right or wrong?

How do we know if we are making the right or wrong choice/decision? Sometimes it is hard for me. Yes there are times when I pray about a decision and then there are times when I have no time I just got to make the decision spur of the moment. This past week there has been a lot of decision making and it is soooo hard. For example, I was informed by my son that he is not a little kid any more and that he is practically an adult and he wanted to do something that so far, the house rules don't allow. Our instant decision was to follow the house rules but after thought and remembering when we were that age we actually sat down and discussed this house rule and changed it for Nicholas. He is going to be sixteen and some rules do need to be adjusted but man it is sure hard. I guess good open lines of communication is the way. We told him that if we say no and he can actually present a reason why it should be changed that we would take into account his reasons. But not any pouting or attitude, especially if the answer is still no. His car will be going on the road starting this weekend so watch out everyone LOL! And for all us parents out there let's stick together and help one another out. If you see my kid doing something he probably should not be doing, tell him and/or inform us. Have a great labor day weekend! I know I will! It is my bday WEEKEND! That's right since my bday is sept 5th, I choose to celebrate all weekend. LOL LOL! Why else do we have it off! Ciao!

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