Saturday, September 03, 2005


Yes it was a somber night as the Indians got the tar beat out of them. Score 33 to zippo! Anyways-for those of you who saw my son get laid out, here is his update. He has a stinger.

Definition: A burner, also called a stinger, is a common injury in contact sports, especially football. The exact mechanism of the injury is not well understood, but a burner is thought to be due to either stretch or compression, or a combination of both, of the brachial plexus. The brachial plexus is a network of nerves that has just exited the spinal cord. These nerves travel across the shoulder and into the arm. Symptoms of a burner are sudden pain and tingling extending from the neck and down the arm into the fingers. Most often burners are transient injuries, but they can be serious if they are persistent or recurrent. If a player has recurrent burners, he or she should be removed from competition until evaluated by a physician.

At least the tingling sensation in his arm has finally faded and he now is just very stiff. Him and I admit that the guy laid him out very nicely. It was a nicely executed hit. Nicholas was very mad that he could not play very much since he had another neck injury on Wednesday. Then when he got the injury right before half time he only went back in once more and that was painful for him. Better luck next time, there is a lot of ball left in the season. Thanks for all the inquiries, all that I ask is that everyone prays for no injuries this football season for all the players. I have already had one trip to the ER and I don't want to go again.

Oh and did you guys know that two former UofM football players were at the game last night. They talked to the team a bit before the game. Nicholas worked with one of them and his uncle that works at the University asked him to come for the guys. Pretty cool, huh.
GO BLUE today!!

1 comment:

Swinging Sammy said...

Keep on eye on him, and know our prayers are w/ you all.