Saturday, January 13, 2007

on the same page

I really like the idea that everyone in my church family is on the same page as me. I like the fact that I am reading the same scripture in my bible as everyone else is in the church. Just think about it. All those people are being spiritually fed daily with the same scripture that I am being fed with. Perhaps they are even contemplating the same thoughts and/or asking themselves the same questions that I am. Possibly re-enacting the scriptures in their minds or perhaps they are also trying to really get a glimpse of what the words on the page are trying to show us. Those are some of the things that I am doing. Right now I am contemplating about salt. (yeah of all things-salt!) But if you have read your bible then you understand what I am talking about. If not ask? I know that my reading today was not that scripture but today is where I have had time to delve in deeper about salt and the scriptures. Where will the same page take you?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Isn't it wonderful! This is part of the beauty of having a year long focus. And the chosen focus is an awesome one. I am glad that we are all trying to be "on the same page"! Thanks for a great observation ... its very salty of you.