Tuesday, June 21, 2005

liars and decievers!!!!!!

Why do people have to lie???? Even when they are confronted they still lie!!! Why? Why? Why? it just makes no sense. They say, "that is not what I said". "I said this". Baloney, a play on words is all that is. It is just so irritating. Why can't people not be so spineless and admit when they are wrong. No instead they got to make up little stories and then when they are confronted about the story they made up they say, well I did not use that word. I used this word. If I say drink or beverage, It means the same darn thing. UGHHHHHHH!! Ridiculous. Ok now that I have that all out of my system I should be fine until I hear another stupid lie.


Anonymous said...

everyone lies

michelle said...

Yes they do, but when they say that they are your friend and love you then that is when the line is crossed!!!! Then to confront them they lie even more. I am forgiving of people who lie (those who say they weigh 120 when they really weigh 130) (or those who say they liked your cooking but really they did not they were trying to polite)but not of liars and decievers!!!!