Wednesday, June 08, 2005

richer or poorer

Lots of coincidences have been going on lately. (yeah right like I really believe in coincidences) and they all have to do with the poor and those in need. We did our World Vision Fund raiser at the end of April. It was awesome and going without food for 30 hours was nothing like going days like some kids do. I admit it was a little tense at moments but we were so focused and determined that it was smooth sailing. We raised over $2,000! and with that the government is giving a federal grant of $7 for every dollar raised. That means that we will be able to give over $14,000 to help save kids.
Now back to coincidences. We had a guest preacher come and talk about those in need. I am watching television and 3 to 4 different times something has really hit me about reaching out to those in need. Then last night I turn on the television again and saw a prime time thing with Brad Pitt (not a fan really) and he was talking about helping the needy. Talk about a confirmation!!!! Everyone one of us are so rich!! Let's give up that cafe latte once a week. Or that movie, shirt, cd, etc. Instead let us do something about those in need. Let us quit spending just because. I encourage all to visit world vision's website, website and find out that 29,000 kids die everyday. Everytime you breathe a child dies. And they die of simple things like diarrhea, malaria, and hunger. And yes they do die of more tragic diseases such as AIDS. When I learned that our government spends less than 1% of our budget on helping out I was shocked. I thought it was going to be low but that low. WOW!!! Most importantly let's pray for those in need. Pray that they will receive the help they need, that they will learn about Jesus, and that they too can make a difference in the world.

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